Vision & Mission


Our approach

Our vision is to instill the athlete mindset in Black youths of the greater Montreal metropolitan area.
The organization's mission is to be a catalyst for young people to broaden their range of experiences, stimulate their ambition and become the leaders of tomorrow.

Young Athletes of Montreal (JAMYAM) accompanies young people in the development of three traits identified as critical for success: self-awareness, discipline and perseverance.

JAMYAM offers support to parents and youths from racialized communities in Montreal by offering students, aged 15 to 17 years, continuous access to our programs.

  • By providing high-school students continuous access to personal guidance.
  • By giving them tools to improve their self-esteem, social skills and lifestyle outside of school.
  • FProviding support primarily to Black parents and their children.
Our values

Collaboration - Respect - Commitment

Our partners and sponsors